About being in command
I'm not going to brag about having driven the Jaguar XK150, but I have sat in a patinated red 1958 model Fixed Head Coupe awaiting restoration. The leather seats were intact but cracked. They were surprisingly good to sit in. The sitting position itself is a thought special. You sit on a fairly low seat cushion, your legs are almost horizontal and you have a good grip on the large steering wheel, which is almost vertical. Looking around, I got the feeling of being surrounded by a car that was designed only around the driver. A feeling of being in command - without having driven a meter 🙂
Model history
The XK150 was produced from 1957 to 1961 when it was succeeded by the E-Type. It was delivered as a Fixed Head Coupé (FHC), Drophead Coupé (DHC) and as a Roadster. The cars were equipped with Jaguar's 3,4 liter straight six and from model year 1960 you could get it with a 3,8 liter engine - which was carried over to the E-Type. All engines had dual or triple SU carburettors. The base engine, 3,4 liters with dual SU carburettors, produced 190 HP. Versions with modified tops and triple carburettors provided more horsepower and performance in the supercar class in the late 50s.
About the pictures
The picture of the black car with white sidewalls is a 1958 model, Open Two Seater Roadster with a 3,4 SE engine producing 210 HP. It is pictured at Norsk Sportsbil Klubb's Spring rally at Øvrevoll gallop outside Oslo. According to my notes, the red Drop Head Coupé is also a 3,4 SE, although I cannot say for sure. It was photographed at an earlier spring muster at Øvrevoll gallop. The black Drophead Coupé parked next to the Lotus Esprit is a 1959 3,4 pictured at the Norwegian Vehicle History Museum at Hunderfossen. The white car with French black plates is photographed in Céret during a joint "driveout" in 2023. The white car - fixed head coupé - with Danish plates is photographed in Copenhagen, 2018 (Photo: oleschwander). The white car with British black plates is photographed at Brooklands in England, 2023.

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